About Us

We provide data that can be structured into customizable formats to offer solutions in addressing current and future analytical needs.

MARC Data Sdn Bhd (MARC Data) is a Registered Credit Reporting Agency (CRA) by the Registrar Office of Credit Reporting Agency under the purview of Ministry of Finance Malaysia. MARC Data provides credit reporting services for small enterprises to listed corporates and financial institutions. These services include profile report, detailed business checks on an entity's top-line information and latest audited financial information, as well as comprehensive analysis and comparison of the entity's financial information.

MARC Data analyses industry-wide financial data, including processed data and statistical analysis, from a variety of resources. These data will be structured into customisable formats as a means to provide solutions in addressing a company's current and future analytical needs. MARC Data also processes all ratings-related information published in MARC's rating universe and translates these into sets of data to be made available to the general public including financial institutions, insurance companies and banks on a common shared platform.

MARC Data was incorporated as a private limited company and is the data, analytical and digital hub for MARC. This newest subsidiary of the MARC Group of Companies focuses on data mining, provisioning and integration via its products, analytical tools and credit reporting services.

marc customers happy with reports

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